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        1. 產品推薦:氣相|液相|光譜|質譜|電化學|元素分析|水分測定儀|樣品前處理|試驗機|培養(yǎng)箱



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          Application of Ceturegel™ basement membrane matrix

          來源:翌圣生物科技(上海)股份有限公司   2024年12月09日 08:30  

          The basement membrane matrix is a soluble basement membrane preparation extracted from the tumors of EHS mice rich in extracellular matrix proteins. Its main components are laminin, type IV collagen, heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) and nestin, as well as growth factors such as TGF beta, EGF, IGF, FGF, tissue plasminogen activator and other growth factors contained in EHS tumors.

          The Ceturegel™ basement membrane matrix developed and produced by YEASEN Biological does not contain LDEV (Lactate Dehydrogenase Enhancing Virus) and has ultra-low endotoxin content. And after mycoplasma detection to ensure no mycoplasma contamination, including different types such as basic concentration, high concentration, and low growth factor.


          Product features

          High safety: no LDEV (lactate dehydrogenase increased virus)

          Concentration diversity: the concentration range is between 8~20 mg/ml

          Good batch stability: strict production quality inspection process to ensure stable performance between batches

          Low endotoxin: endotoxin content <8 EU/ml

          Contamination detection: no mycoplasma, bacteria, and fungi residues have been detected

          High single batch output: single batch output is above 50L level

          Compatibility: Compatible with any type of cell culture medium


          Application validation

          Fig. Results of crystal violet staining after cell invasion


          Fig. HUVEC angiogenic bright field and fluorescence results


          Fig. H9 stem cell culture


          Fig: Hepg2 cell 3D culture results after 4 days


          Fig: HepG2 subcutaneous tumor model establishment results


          Fig: The results of in vitro culture of matrix glue mixed with mouse small intestinal crypts


          Fig: Ovarian cancer organoid image cultured for 6 days  Fig:   cervical cancer organoids for 4 days



          1. What is the reason for the color difference (light yellow to dark red) of the obtained substrate?

          For the Ceturegel™ basement membrane matrix containing phenol red, it is mainly caused by the interaction of phenol red and bicarbonate with CO2, but the color difference will be reduced after equilibration with 5% CO2. After freezing and thawing, shake the vial gently to disperse the Ceturegel™ basement membrane matrix evenly.

          2. What matters should be paid attention to in the operation of Ceturegel™ basement membrane matrix?

          All operations should be performed in a sterile environment, and a pre-cooled pipette should be used to ensure that the Ceturegel™ basement membrane matrix is homogenized.

          3. How to freeze and store Ceturegel™ basement membrane matrix for use?

          The frozen and thawed Ceturegel™ Matrix LDEV-Free Ceturegel™ basement membrane matrix can be distributed in multiple small tubes. All distributions should be in pre-cooled cryovials, which should be quickly frozen and stored to avoid multiple freezing and thawing. All items involved should be pre-cooled before use. Use pre-cooled pipettes, tips, and small tubes to handle Ceturegel™ basement membrane matrix.



          product type


          Product Name

          Corresponding Corning article number

          Application direction

          Basic concentration(8-12 mg/ml)


          Ceturegel™Matrix LDEV-Free


          Adapt to 2D and 3D culture, invasion, and migration experiments, and can also be used for in vivo tumorigenic experiments


          Ceturegel™Matrix Phenol Red-Free,LDEV-Free 


          Mainly used for color detection such as fluorescence detection experiments, etc

          High concentration(≥18mg/ml)


          Ceturegel™Matrix High Concentration,LDEV-Free 


          Mainly used in experiments such as angiogenesis, gel embolization, and in vivo tumor formation (for angiogenesis, it is recommended that the final concentration of Ceturegel™ basement membrane matrix should be ≥10mg/ml)


          Ceturegel™Matrix High Concentration,GFR,LDEV-Free 



          Ceturegel™Matrix High Concentration,Phenol Red-Free,LDEV-Free 


          Growth factor reduction


          Ceturegel™Matrix GFR,LDEV-Free 


          Mainly to exclude the interference of growth factors on the experiment. Applied to related research on growth factors, signaling pathways, etc.


          Ceturegel™Matrix GFR,Phenol Red-Free,LDEV-Free 


          For stem cells


          Ceturegel™Matrix hESC-Qualified,LDEV-Free 


          Mainly used for stem cell culture such as hESC, iPSC, etc.



          Ceturegel™Matrix for Organoid culture,Phenol Red-Free,LDEV-Free 


          Ceturegel™ basement membrane matrix for Organoid Culture


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