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          美國布魯克海文儀器公司>技術文章>Nanobrook Omni測量應用案例-49


          Nanobrook Omni測量應用案例-49

          閱讀:314          發(fā)布時間:2018-10-10
           文獻名: Ultrasound-assisted leaching of rare earths from the weathered crust elution-deposited ore using magnesium sulfate without ammonia-nitrogen pollution


          作者: Shaohua Yina, Jiannan Peia, Feng Jianga, Shiwei Lia, Jinhui Penga, Libo Zhanga, Shaohua Jua, Chandrasekar Srinivasakannanb

          a    Faculty of Metallurgical and Energy Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, Yunnan 650093, China

          b    Chemical Engineering Program, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, P.O. Box 253, United Arab Emirates


          摘要:The in situ leaching process of China's unique ion-adsorption rare earth ores has caused severe environmental damages due to the use of (NH4)2SO4 solution. This study reports that magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) as a leaching agent would replace (NH4)2SO4 by ultrasonically assisted leaching to deal with the ammonia-nitrogen pollution problem and enhance leaching process. At leaching conditions of 3 wt% MgSO4 concentration, 3:1 L/S ratio and 30 min, the total rare earth leaching efficiency reaches 75.5%. Ultrasound-assisted leaching experiments show that the leaching efficiency of rare earths is substantially increased by introducing ultrasound, and nearly completely leached out after two stage leaching process. Thus, ultrasonic-assisted leaching process with MgSO4 is not only effective but also environmentally friendly, and beneficial to leach rare earths at laboratory scale.


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