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          美國布魯克海文儀器公司>技術文章>Nanobrook Omni測量應用案例-28


          Nanobrook Omni測量應用案例-28

          閱讀:314          發(fā)布時間:2018-6-21
           文獻名: Synthesis of EuS and EuSe particles via thermal decomposition of dithio- and diselenophosphinate europium complexes


          作者    M. E. Burin authorA. P. PushkarevG. K. FukinR. V. RumyantsevA. N. KonevM. N. Bochkarev 

          Institute of Metal Organic ChemistryRussian Academy of SciencesNizhny NovgorodRussia


          摘要:New two- and trivalent europium complexes with dithio- and diselenodiphenylphosphinate ligands (S2PPh 2 - and Se2PPh 2 - ) have been synthesized as precursors for nanoparticles. Two-valent europium compounds have been characterized via X-ray diffraction. Their photoluminescence properties have been studied as well. EuS colloidal nanoparticles have been obtained via the thermolysis of Eu(S2PPh2) n (n = 2, 3) in a hexadecylamine medium at 310°C. The average size of objects is found to be 4070 nm. As is established, the valent state of a lanthanide in the complex exerts no influence on the size of the forming nanoparticles or on the luminescence spectrum of colloidal solutions.


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