HDCV-5000 DNP 220V標準光源燈箱
- 公司名稱 上海研鼎信息技術有限公司
- 品牌
- 型號 HDCV-5000
- 產地 日本
- 廠商性質 經銷商
- 更新時間 2018/5/13 15:29:34
- 訪問次數 702
DNP產品,支持220V電壓,免去使用220V-100V變壓器的煩惱。而且照度的條件的范圍更大,是代替CCV51F/G的升級產品 Featuring: a)Enhanced performance of inverter finally realizes uniformed luminous source without flicker. b)Luminance has come to be adjustable between 1900 and 3200cd/㎡ with modulator newly installed. c)It is usable worldwide basis with AC Power 90V through 230V. d)Modulator dial located at the top makes you much easier to adjust brightness with vieweing Test Chart. The main power switch is located at the right side panel. e)Replacing lamp has come to be much easier by just taking the frame off.