HD-1036 皮革耐撓性試驗機,東莞皮革耐撓性試驗機,皮革耐撓性試驗機*
- 公司名稱 廣東海達儀器有限公司
- 品牌
- 型號 HD-1036
- 產(chǎn)地 東莞 皮革耐撓性試驗機
- 廠商性質(zhì) 生產(chǎn)廠家
- 更新時間 2023/8/9 8:58:40
- 訪問次數(shù) 3449
聯(lián)系方式:何13602382905 查看聯(lián)系方式
二、皮革耐撓性試驗機目的 :
用于沙發(fā)上的皮革如果有良好的抗彎折的特性, 生產(chǎn)出來的沙發(fā)便不容易起皺接, 沙發(fā)會更美觀耐用.
Purpose: If the leather use for the sofa have a good flex resistance properties, the product will have little chance to become winkle, and the product will be more durable and more comfortable.
Applicable to all types of leather below 3.0 mm in thickness.
試片: 70*45mm
彎折角度: 22.5
彎折速度: 100±5cpm
計數(shù)器: 0~999,999(六位數(shù))
電源: 220伏300瓦
設(shè)計標準: EN ISO 5402
1) Open the upper and lower clamps so that the gap is at least twice the thickness of the test piece.
2) Turn the upper clamp so that its lower edge is parallel to the upper edge of the fixed lower clamp.
3) Fold the test piece in two with the surface to be tested inwards so that the two longer sides are brought together. Clamp the folded test piece as shown in below figure (a) with the folded edge against the ledge and the end against the stop formed by the clamping screw.
將皮革沿長邊對?。y試面朝內(nèi)), 將已對摺的皮革按下圖(a) 的樣子,摺邊擱在上夾突出的邊上,末端則貼近由鎖緊螺絲造成的限位上。
把未有夾緊的那一頭往外然后向下拉, 把兩個里面併攏, 然后將開口端按圖(c)夾緊在下夾,注意不要過份夾緊以致夾壞皮革,并且要跟對摺面垂直。
5) Run the machine for the required number of flex cycles selected from the following list:
Dry flex: 500;1000;5,000;10,000;20,000;25,000;50,000;100,000;150,000;
200,000;250,000 CYCLES
6) cutting of sample: A rectangle shaped sample 70 ±1 mm x 45 ±1 mm.
7) 樣辦尺寸: 70 ±1 mm x 45 ±1 mm.
4) Draw the free corners of the test piece outward and downward around the clamp as shown in figure (b). Bring the inner surfaces together and clamp the free end in the lower clamp as shown in figure (c), with the part of the folded test piece in the clamps vertical and using no more force than is necessary to make the leather just taut.
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